About The Song
“Hooked on a Feeling” is a song written by Mark James and popularized by the Swedish pop rock group Blue Swede in 1973. The Blue Swede version includes the well-known “ooga chaka” introduction, which was not originally part of the song. This addition was inspired by Jonathan King’s 1971 cover of the song, which borrowed the chant from Johnny Preston’s original recording of “Running Bear”. Blue Swede’s version was released as a single and became their most successful song, reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States in 1974.
While the lyrics of the song do not contain specific meaning, they convey the speaker’s emotions about a relationship, describing a strong, obsessive feeling for someone. This interpretation is supported by the chorus, which repeats the line “I can’t stop – I’m hooked on a feeling.” The song’s upbeat tone and catchy melody contribute to its enduring popularity.